Celebrate 100 Years of Hadassah Atlanta! Hadassah is a charitable women-led organization that was established in Atlanta on November 2, 1916 to provide emergency care for infants and mothers in pre-state Israel. Back then, Hadassah had only 18 charter members. Today, the organization boasts 3,700. Follow Hadassah Atlanta’s journey and their impact on health, medicine, education, and community locally, nationally, and internationally from generation to generation.
This museum exhibition, opening in our Discovery gallery on November 1st, gives visitors an opportunity to explore the 100-year history of Hadassah Atlanta through artifacts, memorabilia, and hundreds of photos. Visitors will also have an opportunity to share their own Hadassah memories and experiences in a video recording booth.
The Hadassah Atlanta exhibit is on display until March 6, 2016.
About Hadassah
Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, founded in 1912, is one of the largest women's volunteer organizations in the world. Over 330,000 Members, Associates, and supporters strong, Hadassah is now in its second century and is committed to innovative and life-changing medical care and research, women's empowerment, education, advocacy, philanthropy, and building Jewish identity—in Israel, America, and around the world. Hadassah enhances the health of people worldwide through its support of medical care and research at the Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem. Hadassah has also developed several groundbreaking national grassroots health education programs, including Every Beat Counts: Hadassah’s Heart Health Program™ and Check It Out®, Hadassah's breast health education program for young women. For more information, visit www.hadassah.org.
About Greater Atlanta Hadassah (GAH)
Founded in 1916, the Greater Atlanta Hadassah chapter is comprised of 3,600+ Members and Associates who come together to raise funds in support of Hadassah's projects in Israel and the United States; to promote issues of women's health and family well-being; to study; to educate; and to have fun. To learn more about the work and mission of Hadassah, contact the Greater Atlanta Hadassah office at 678-443-2961 or visit the website at www.hadassah.org/atlanta.