Return to Rich's - The Jewish Heritage Museum in Atlanta, Georgia
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Return to Rich's - The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum

Return to Rich's

Return to Rich's

Rich’s became an iconic symbol of the community in which it was based, and the store and city were often united in a common purpose. What was good for Rich’s was good for Atlanta. What was good for Atlanta was also good for Rich’s.

Percy the Pig

Percy the Pig

Priscilla and Percival were a dynamic duo that everyone who visited the store, especially as children, remember fondly. At the heart of our exhibition was Percival himself, but when the exhibition ended he returned home to Priscilla. 

The Rich's Collection

The Rich's Collection

In 1949, the Saturday Evening Post documented that special relationship in an article entitled: “The Store that Married a City.” That love affair lasted nearly 138 years. 

Meet Me Under The Clock!

Meet Me Under The Clock!

Atlanta's love affair with Rich's Department Store lasted nearly 138 years. Rich's iconic clock was a meeting place, point of reference, and guiding light to many native Atlantans. 


Return to Rich’s was The Breman’s signature exhibition of 2013. It was the aim of this exhibition to stir fond memories of a ride on the Pink Pig, a glamorous evening at Fashionata, or Rich’s legendary customer service. 

Founded in 1867 with a $500 investment by Jewish immigrant Morris Rich, Rich’s Department Store grew into one of the most influential and beloved institutions in Atlanta before being absorbed into Macy’s on March 6, 2005. Rich’s visionary leadership, commitment to its customers, and keen sense of civic duty inextricably linked the store to the commercial, political, social, cultural, and architectural development of Atlanta.

“The Breman is excited to tell the story of one of Atlanta’s favorite stores. Rich’s was part of our city and the south for nearly 138 years. Most customers and employees didn’t think of it as a Jewish company, but an Atlanta institution that shaped their lives. But there is an important Jewish story here, and the Breman is proud to open Rich’s doors once again.”

-Aaron Berger, Executive Director, The Breman Museum 

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  • “Most Atlantans have a nostalgic mood when talking about the store. But as the exhibition makes clear, in some ways Rich’s will always be with us. At the entrance to the exhibition, a 1967 quote from one-time Rich’s president Dick Rich puts it succinctly: “Rich’s is related to Atlanta. It came out of the same cradle, and it has known the same joys and severe tragedies . . . Rich’s and Atlanta are kissing kin.” By the time most visitors leave the exhibition, they are likely to agree that this is not hyperbole, but plain, unvarnished fact.

    Andrew Alexander,
  • “There are so many aspects to the affectionate relationship between Rich’s and Atlantans, and the Breman’s presentation is ingenious.  There are representations, sometimes the original, of some of the following Rich’s landmarks:There’s the great Rich’s clock... The Magnolia Room... [and] The Pink Pig, Rich’s most cherished children’s tradition.

    Manning Harris, Atlanta In Town Paper
  • “The exhibit wonderfully tells the story of what Rich’s meant to Atlanta. But it also tells the rags-to-riches story of an immigrant family. Morris Rich’s first store became a business where his brothers and other family members worked. It evolved to become one of the most influential institutions in Atlanta, earning an unrivaled loyalty.”

The Breman Museum1440 Spring Street, NW Atlanta, GA 30309678-222-3700
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This website is supported by a generous gift from the Jerry and Dulcy Rosenberg Family in honor of Elinor Rosenberg Breman.

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